Lecture zen
Text and questions: Text and questions:
Annales du baccalauréat - Session 2021 - DNL mathématiques-anglais avec mention « section européenne »
Problématique : Mathématiques, monde de l’économie, développement durable
Thèmes : recettes et fonction
Currently, a local newspaper company sells print subscriptions for £9.30 a month and has 2400 subscribers.
Based on a conducted survey, they expect to lose 20 subscribers for each £0.10 increase from the current monthly subscription price.
- Complete the following table:
Price for subscription (£) Number of subscribers Revenue (£) 9.3 2400 22320 9.4 2380 10 Let $x$ be the number of £0.10 increases.
- Write down the expected number of subscribers sold in terms of $x$.
- Prove that the revenue is given by the formula: $R(x)=22320+54x−2x^2$.
- What should the newspaper company charge for a monthly subscription in order to maximize the revenue from the print newspaper subscriptions?

Newspaper advertisement for Sylvan Valley News subscription, 1910
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 North Carolina Digital Heritage Center
Version 1 (William Blackmore) ??
Version 2 (Ines McCairley) ??
- newspaper company: groupe de presse
- subscription: abonnement