Annales du baccalauréat - Session 2021 - DNL mathématiques-anglais avec mention « section européenne »
Annette and Beth play netball in the same team.
In the first half of the season, Annette played 6 games and scored 120 goals, while Beth played 10 games and scored 180 goals.
In the second half of the season, Annette played 9 games and scored 90 goals, while Beth played 5 games and scored 45 goals.
Show that Annette averaged more goals per game in the first half of the season and also in the second half of the season, but that she didn’t average more goals per game over the whole season.
This result is known as Simpson’s paradox. Explain in your own words how such a result can occur and how it can be used to present statistics in a misleading way.
Do these data change your mind on the information you can find in the media?